
These are notifications sent by Whop to your users.

Whop sends your users automatic notifications to keep them updated on their subscriptions. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of our notifications:



Sent When

Payment Failed

Email & Discord DM

When a Stripe invoice comes in that failed to charge

Crypto Payment Failed

Email & Discord DM

- When a crypto payment fails - Notification will say whether or not to update their wallet balance or allowance

Membership Expired

Email & Discord DM

When a membership’s status changes from completed to expired and the membership is still renewable (ex. inside of grace period days)

Upcoming Expiration

Email & Discord DM

Sends the notification to all memberships with a completed status on a one time, refillable plan three days before expiry.

Additional Free Days

Email & Discord DM

Anytime free days are added to a user’s membership via the Whop Business dashboard.

Upcoming Renewal


Sends the notification to all active or trialing memberships on renewal plans where cancel at period end is false 24 hours before the renewal period end.

Order Confirmation


When a user completes a successful checkout for a membership from a plan.

Waitlist Approved


Whenever a customer's waitlist entry is a approved

Raffle Winner


Whenever a customer wins a raffle

Emails are sent four times and Discord DMs are sent two times, before both halt.

Additional Discord email

For customers buying Discord access, if they have not linked their Discord account - Whop will automatically notify the customer via Email that they need to connect their Discord account after purchase.

The email address we will send a notification to, will be the same email address that the customer used to purchase your product during checkout.

The email will be sent after during the following time intervals;

  • 3 hours
  • 24 hours
  • 48 hours
  • 7 days

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