Quick Actions

Streamline completing important tasks within your business

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Whop’s quick actions highlight important events or tasks that need attention within your business. Currently, there are 8 different quick actions that will show up on your ‘Home’ page.

New passholders - When someone buys your product

Cancelling passholders - When someone cancels a renewing subscription

New waitlist entries - When someone enters a waitlist you have made

New raffle entries - When someone enters a raffle you have made

New affiliate referrals- When one of your affiliates refers a new customer

Churned passholders - When someone cancels and leaves your renewing subscription

New marketplace reviews - When a new marketplace review is added to your product

New disputes - When you receive a new dispute.

Each one of these actions, will redirect you to a different part of the dashboard and prompt you to take action. An example of this is ‘New disputes’, which will take you to the ‘Disputes’ page, where you can submit documentation to fight a dispute you may have received.